• +36 30 526-7517
  • 4026 Debrecen, Kálvin tér 4/c


Hi, I'm Reni!


I am the dreamer of Nata Design.

I have been studying and practicing the ceramics profession for the seventh year now. I graduated from the Ferenc Medgyessy High School,  Technical High School and Technical School as a ceramic artist. I got my second degree at the University of Budapest at MOME as a subject designer and ceramic designer.

After and during my graduation from university, I worked in the profession for several different ceramic and potters alike, so I was able to learn a lot about the details of the profession. During my work I was able to learn what adult education is, how to hold workshops, and I was able to see the processes of making quality ceramic objects.

We created this ceramic workshop because during my teachings I saw the beneficial effects it has on people who get to know creating with clay. It soothes and concentrates zigzagging thoughts, so I think we should look for and create as much of this recreation around us as possible.

If you also want to get out of the ordinary spin, come and visit us to either create or take a look at our product range or even because of the atmosphere in the workshop.